The Impact of Roads on Feng Shui for home: Distance, Size, Elevation, and Shape
In Feng Shui, it is believed that山主人丁水主财, meaning that water represents the fortune and wealth of the house. However, it can be challenging to have water around one's current residence in real life. To tackle this issue, Feng Shui experts consider the road as "virtual water". They use the shape of the road as the water potential to determine whether the road is good or bad in terms of Feng Shui.
It is important to note that the Feng Shui principles for residential houses differ from those for business locations. For residential houses, the focus is on creating a peaceful and comfortable environment. On the other hand, for business locations, the focus is on attracting prosperity and growth.
Distance, size, and elevation of the road.
The distance of the road
Your home's feng shui is most directly influenced by the roads that can be observed in your home. It's important to use your own senses to observe the feelings - sight, smell, and sound - to determine the effect on feng shui. If the road is too far from the residence, the feng shui effect will be slow. On the other hand, if the road is too close to the residence, it can negatively impact wealth.
The size of the road
The width of the road plays a critical role in the feng shui effect. The wider the road, the more significant the impact of feng shui. Conversely, if the road is narrow, the feng shui effect will be small. Additionally, the number of vehicles and pedestrians on the road is directly proportional to the size of the aura.
The elevation of the road
The elevation of the road is also important. It's beneficial if the terrain of the road is lower than that of the residence. This creates a step-by-step promotion effect, which is helpful for career growth. On the contrary, if the road is higher than the house, it can hinder career growth and promotion. This is particularly harmful.
Shape of the road.
The Good
(01) Southeast corner
The house has east and south roads, which is the so-called "southeast corner". In feng shui, the Southeast corner is considered the location of fortune, therefore, it can be said that the house's feng shui is very good.
(02) Road located in the east
The sun rises in the East, which is considered auspicious in feng shui for growth and development.
(03) House inside of curved Road
In Feng Shui, it is favorable for a house to be located on the inside of a curved Road. As if you are being taken care of, your fortune will be especially prosperous.
The Evil
(04) House right outside of curved Road反弓路
A reverse bow path road反弓路means that the road is like a curved bow and the house happens to be on the bulge of the curved bow. The fortune will get worse and worse, and the treasury will become less and less used, physical health will deteriorate. If the reverse bow path road appears in the east and west, its lethality will be greater.
(05) The road runs straight into the house.
Divides into three types:
The road that leads straight to the front door is called "Gun evil"枪煞
There are several obstacles in the owner's career, such as the risk of financial ruin, the possibility of being framed by others, the potential for harm from villains, and the challenge of maintaining good health.
The road leads straight to the back of the house, known as the "hidden arrow"暗箭煞
It affects the stability of the household, causes accidents and injuries, increases disease susceptibility, and poses risks to life and property.
The road leads straight to one side of the house, either the left or the right.
It's just like the left branch is blocked and the right side is blocked, the abdomen and back are attacked. If the road is facing the east, it's not good for the eldest son or daughter; if the road is facing the west, it's not beneficial for the youngest son or daughter. It affects physical health, mental vitality, and emotional harmony, and is detrimental to academic career and physical health.
(06) House at the end of the road.
If the house is located at the end of a public road, the airflow seems to have stopped. Since there is nowhere to escape, it is difficult to take precautions. it also leads to loss of wealth, makes it easy to encounter bad luck, and is a sign of instability in the house.
(07) Surrounded by roads on all sides
Like "besieged on all sides"四面楚歌, luck will stagnate.
(08) Facing the highway
Highways are like "virtual water" moving extremely fast, staying close to it is not a good idea