How to Choose Feng Shui Jewelry and Accessories Based on Your Chinese Zodiac Element

In Eastern culture, feng shui jewelry and accessories serve a dual purpose - it is not only aesthetically pleasing but also believed to bring good luck, wealth, exorcism, and peace. This custom has been popular since ancient times. However, individuals who are unfamiliar with numerology and feng shui may not realize that choosing the right jewelry/accessories for good luck requires an understanding of their own characteristics and needs. If the wrong jewelry and accessories are chosen, it may not bring good luck and could even bring bad luck. This article will provide some tips to help you choose the right lucky jewelry/accessories for yourself.

1. According to your intended purpose.

Depending on individual needs, choose appropriate auspicious jewelry/accessories:

Brings luck and drives away evil spirits.

Brings luck and drives away evil spirits
“Brings luck and drives away evil spirits”

Obsidian pendant, white crystal bracelet, Quan Yin pendant, gourd pendant, dragon and phoenix pendant, Five Emperors coin pendant, Five Blessings pendant, etc.

Pray for prosperity and attract wealth.

Prosperity and attract wealth
“Prosperity and attract wealth”

Pixiu pendant, Yellow quartz bracelet, Golden Toad Pendant, etc.

Good luck in your studies and exams.

Wen Chang Pagoda, Wen chang pen, Manjushri Bodhisattva pendant, etc.

Pray for health, protection and safety.

Health, protection and safety
“Health, protection and safety”

Crystal gourd, rosewood Dragon Ruyi, Jade Safety Buckle Charm, etc

Happiness and peace in marriage.

Happiness and peace in marriage
“Happiness and peace in marriage”

Strawberry crystal bracelet, hibiscus crystal fox pendant, pink crystal pixiu, etc.

2. Pay attention to materials and colors.

The materials, colors, and shapes must align with the owner's element, and avoid conflicting with the taboo elements.

Keep in mind the diagram of the interactions between 5 elements.

Diagram of the interactions between the wuxing
“Diagram of the interactions between the wuxing”


Wood feeds Fire, Fire produces Earth, Earth bears Metal, Metal collects Water, Water nourishes Wood.


Wood depletes Water, Water rusts Metal, Metal impoverishes Earth, Earth smothers Fire, Fire burns Wood


Wood depletes Earth, Earth obstructs Water, Water extinguishes Fire, Fire melts Metal, Metal chops Wood.

Choose materials and colors that correspond to your Chinese Zodiac Element.

  • If element is Wood, the main material is bamboo or wood; The colors are green and Verdure.
  • If element is Water, the main material is crystal; The colors are black and dark blue.
  • If element is Metal, the main material is metal; The colors are white and silver.
  • If element is Earth, the main material is jade gemstone; The colors are yellow, Brown, Apricot.
  • If element is Fire, the main material is agate gemstone or tortoiseshell gemstone; The colors are red, orange, pink, and purple.

Based on the interactions between the wuxings, you can choose materials and colors based on your main element or based on the element that strengthens your element or the element that your element is stronger on. For example, if your element is wood, you can choose the material and color of the wood element, the water element, or the earth element. But don't choose materials and colors based on fire and metal elements.

3. Friendly reminder

Auspicious and prosperous decorations can only play an auxiliary role, the most important thing is to constantly adjust one's character and behavior, cultivate one's mind and nature, treat be good to others and yourself, and you will get good rewards and good luck.
